With Movember just around the corner, people all over
the world are preparing to grow a moustache to raise money and awareness for
men’s health issues. This got the team at Raiz thinking about what it takes to
grow facial hair, and found that it’s very similar to growing your money.
4 key stages to growing:
The Decision
You’ve thought about it for a
while, you’ve seen your mate’s ‘stache (or stash of money), and you know how
great it could be. It’s time to start growing!
The Envy
It’s been a few days and you’ve
not got much to show above your upper lip – you begin to notice every beautiful
moustache you pass and wonder why that can’t be you. The same happens with
saving, not everyone can put away $100 a week, but it’s about working with what
you’ve got.
Don’t get jealous, just be
patient, slow and steady wins the race.
The Itch
You’re beginning to get some
solid growth, but with this growth comes a nasty itch.
For growing a moustache, the itch
is physical one, as prickly hairs scratch your skin, and you start thinking
about shaving the itch away.
For growing your money, the itch
is one of temptation. The itch to start spending the nice little stash that
you’ve accumulated.
The solution? Fight through the
itch! You’ve made it this far, so keep at your long-term strategy and keep it
growing so that you can reach stage 4…
The Glory
This is what you’ve been waiting
for, once you reach this stage nobody remembers The Envy, or The
Itch, you’re just happy you made The Decision. You’re
either sitting with a pile of savings, or a luscious moustache, either way you
feel pretty good.
When saving money, everyone has
different definitions of glory, it could be a car, a holiday, or a more stable
financial future – whatever your goal is, Raiz wants to help
you get there. With our different tools we give you a more natural way to
invest, and a new way to let your money grow. All you have to do is remain
patient. For more information on Raiz fees, click here.
So this November, make the
decision to Invest the Change with Raiz, grow your mo with Movember, and raise
some money for a great cause in the process.
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Download it for free in the App store or the Webapp below:

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