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Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.
06 July, 2020

Raiz Market Insights


George Lucas, Raiz CEO

In the wake of the resurgence of coronavirus in Victoria, it’s clear that the most effective form of government action to ensure a quick recovery will be a plan that reassures Australians it is possible to reopen without risking new outbreaks of the virus, and that if new outbreaks do emerge, like in Victoria, they can be contained without having to reimpose national or state-wide lockdowns. Read Post

01 July, 2020

Despite COVID-19 restrictions easing across the country, the economic fallout from the pandemic continues to be felt many thousands of Australians from all walks of life. However, it’s also the perfect time to look forward and make sure your finances are stronger than ever to meet whatever challenges arise down the track. Read Post

15 June, 2020

Jar with moneyWith the end of financial year approaching fast, millions of Aussies are set to lodge tax returns in very different financial circumstances than before the COVID-19 crisis.

While coronavirus has caused a lot of disruption across the country, tax time is a chance to take advantage of extra measures aimed at helping taxpayers navigate the pandemic.

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25 May, 2020

bitcoin-trophy-against-pricesWe all have that one mate (or several) that cannot keep their mouth shut about Bitcoin (BTC). If you are struggling to think of which friend that may be, chances are that person is you. Irrespective of your personal affinity for the cryptocurrency, Raiz has released the Sapphire portfolio with a target weight of 5% towards Bitcoin. We explore below what this means for casual and serious crypto investors alike. Read Post

25 May, 2020

Raiz Market Insights


From George Lucas, Raiz CEO

China unveils new COVID-19 stimulus measures

This week saw China pledge $500 billion worth of fiscal stimulus measures to support its economy as part of a bid to soften the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on livelihoods by creating nine million jobs and ensuring local governments can function. Read Post
