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    Updated 10 January 2023

    Terms & Conditions

    Privacy Policy

    Product Disclosure Statement

    Super Product Disclosure Statement

    Target Market Determination

    Super Target Market Determination


    Important Documents


    The information on this website/app/email has been prepared by Raiz Invest Australia Limited ACN 604 402 815 (Raiz), Authorised Representative of AFSL 434776.

    The Raiz Invest Australia Fund and the Raiz Property Fund (the Funds) are issued by Instreet Investment Limited ACN 128 813 016. The Funds’ product disclosure statements (PDS) are available at the website www.raizinvest.com.au. In deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold an investment, investors must obtain the PDSs and carefully consider its contents.

    The information contained in this website/app/email is general information only. It has been prepared without taking account any potential investors’ financial situation, objectives or needs and the appropriateness of this information needs to be considered in that context. Investors must form their own views on whether the Funds are appropriate after considering their objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you seek your own legal, financial and taxation advice. The information contained in this website/app/email may be based on assumptions or market conditions and may change without notice. This may impact the accuracy of the information. Actual results may vary and any variation may be materially positive or negative.

    No responsibility or liability is accepted by Raiz, Instreet or any third party who has contributed to this website/app/email for any of the information contained herein or for any action taken by you or any of your officers, employees, agents or associates.

    Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

    Calculator Disclosure

    The projected values shown are hypothetical in nature and should not be relied on. They may be affected by inaccurate assumptions or risks and uncertainties and will differ materially from results ultimately achieved. In order to calculate the expected return for each asset class, the investment team first researched the historical total returns of the index or similar asset class underlying the ETFs (fee and currency adjusted).

    For the IVV, IEU, 30 years of historical data was used to calculate the return. For the STW 20 years of historical data was used for the IAA, IAF, RCB 10 years of historic information was used. An interest rate of 2.5% and inflation rate of 2% were assumed. All returns are deflated for inflation. Factors that can cause significant variation from the historic risks are outlined in the product disclosure statement.

    The white centre line on the charts is the most likely outcome based on the data. The shaded envelope around the centre line is the risk envelopes to a 95% confidence interval, based on the historical data and illustrates the risks in a graphical format of achieving an expected portfolio value.

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