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    How Raiz has empowered others

    Angie R.

    They say dream big. I’m serious about that. For as long as I can remember, my ultimate dream was to go to space. No, seriously. When I turned 30 I decided I needed to start saving for 30 years and bank on compound interest so I can buy my ticket. I looked around at different options, learned about stocks and bonds, and then I found Raiz. Super simple. Now I have top ups and additional weekly payments in a high risk long term portfolio, and I’m going to make it happen. One day far far into the future you’ll see a post from me, living my dream because of Raiz! I can’t wait.

    Dan B.

    I was raised with atrocious financial literacy. I’m terrible at saving and getting my head around investing has been almost impossible for me. Raiz has taken a lot of the mystery out of saving and investing. I’ve saved money without even realising, learnt a little about how investing works and seen the power of compounding (look at me using fancy words now!) I don’t have anything in particular I’m saving for, I just want to make our family a little more financially secure. The best thing though is that I can pass this knowledge on to my kids and break the cycle of poor financial literacy in my family.

    Mark R.

    Started looking into stocks a few months ago but everything was so over my head as a beginner. Then I read about micro investing raiz was my first investment. I set it up for round ups and top up $5 each day. I love watch the markets rise and fall. After only a couple of months I’ve seen much better returns than if I just left my money in my high interest account. I now understand the stock market alot better and love the diversity raiz has given me in the market.

    Jaiden C.

    I’ve always been curious about the share market but it has been somewhat difficult due to the initial investments required to start. I found Raiz back when it was Acorns just months after it entered the Australian market. Combining low fees, good returns and promoting the idea of digital change saw my account grow, without temptation to go blow it on something. Raiz has seen me take holidays (combined with that cashback feature), funded by regular, weekly instalments and during the peak of COVID-19, saw the cash that would’ve otherwise been spent on eating out and dining in. Thanks to a global pandemic and recession, Raiz has helped me be better off financially compared to having left that cash in the bank. It’s a must-have app for me, and is my first recommendation to anyone interested in the sharemarket, or even trying to save but struggles to not spend it.

    Josie D.

    As a full-time university student I regularly find myself underemployed during the semester as I cannot meet the hours casual employers require. Discovering the app has given me much more peace of mind as it ensures some of my income will continue to grow. Also, Raiz is the best platform for me to start investing as I was apprehensive as to how a young person does start investing. Thank you Raiz!

    Lindsay M.

    Raiz helps me to save a little every week, which is what I like to call my “back-up” fund. Thanks to Raiz and my “back-up” fund, I have been able to enrol in a online diploma course to further my studies – which has already begun to pay off. So I guess you could say I have doubled my investment with Raiz!

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