Excuses Excuses Excuses

“He that is good for making
excuses is seldom good for anything else” – Benjamin Franklin
What does everyone who finds it
hard to save money have in common? We all have an excuse for why we can’t do
it. Let’s talk through a few of the most commonly made excuses.
1. You
can’t afford it
You want to save, maybe you even
“try” to save sometimes, but your money just doesn’t stretch far enough. It’s
not unusual to feel that you’re not making enough money to start saving, and
even those who have generous wages report this as an excuse not to save.
So why do you feel like you don’t
have enough money? The simple answer is that you may just be spending more than
you actually need to. Take a good hard look at
your “necessary” spending, and think about which items you may be able to cut
down on, and try not to spend more just because you’re earning more.
2. You
will start saving “tomorrow”
You want to save, but it can wait
until tomorrow, or next month, or next year, what difference does it make? Well
actually it could make a lot of difference. Too many of us tell ourselves that
it’s fine for us to just leave it until later to start saving.
Take a moment to think of your
future self, who wants to buy a house, go on holiday, or maybe even retire
early. Now ask yourself if there’s any good reason why you shouldn’t start
saving now; with compound returns it can make a big difference if you start
saving early. So don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
3. It’s
too complicated
With all the different saving and
investing options, it’s not surprising that many of us are confused about where
to start. Super funds, savings accounts, share market? You’ve got a few
options, but they don’t make it that easy for you. Choosing the right super
fund, or constructing the right portfolio of shares can be a daunting task at
times, and may require a significant level of knowledge and expertise.
ETFs provide you with a great
option to begin investing in the share market; ETFs can track a certain index
such as the ASX 200, and allow you to gain exposure to a variety of different
shares for a very small fee.
Using Raiz to help stop the
Whether you think you can’t
afford it, you’re putting it off until tomorrow, or it all seems too complicated,
we think that by using Raiz you can help eliminate those
excuses from your life.
By rounding-up your purchases, Raiz
helps you link spending to saving, so instead of thinking about what you can
and can’t afford, you can just go about your business while Raiz does your
saving in the background.
It’s never too complicated with Raiz;
we’ve constructed 5 different portfolios for you to choose from, from 7
different ETFs. With Raiz you get the sophistication of a fund manager, with a
fraction of the fees. For more information on Raiz fees, click here.
You don’t need to keep putting it
off until tomorrow. We have made our sign-up process as easy as possible, so
you can start today and thank yourself later.
Say hello to Raiz, and goodbye to
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Important Information
The information on this website is general advice only. This means it does not take into account any person’s particular investment objectives, financial situation or investment needs. If you are an investor, you should consult your licensed adviser before acting on any information contained in this article to fully understand the benefits and risk associated with the product.
A Product Disclosure Statement for Raiz Invest and/or Raiz Invest Super are available on the Raiz Invest website and App. A person must read and consider the Product Disclosure Statement in deciding whether, or not, to acquire and continue to hold interests in the product. The risks of investing in this product are fully set out in the Product Disclosure Statement and include the risks that would ordinarily apply to investing.
The information may be based on assumptions or market conditions which change without notice. This could impact the accuracy of the information.
Under no circumstances is the information to be used by, or presented to, a person for the purposes of deciding about investing in Raiz Invest or Raiz Invest Super.
Past return performance of the Raiz products should not be relied on for making a decision to invest in a Raiz product and is not a good predictor of future performance.