Time is Money: So Why Do Most Apps Steal Your Time?
The number one metric for most
apps is user engagement. The more time you spend using the app; flinging birds,
playing words with friends or updating your whereabouts, the more opportunity
the producer of that app has to monetize you.
That’s ok if you are getting good
value, like Google. Their search engine is very efficient, takes little time,
and usually delivers information you want. But most apps aren’t that way. Have
you ever found yourself spending a few hours with an app when you only planned
to check in? Many apps take more than they give. Their success is dependent on
getting more and more of your attention.
At Raiz we think it should be the
opposite. Apps should free you to do more of what you really love to do. So
instead of trying to increase “user engagement” we have features like automatic
round ups, which allow you to save and invest in tiny increments without ever
checking the app.
As a popular investing tool when
you do engage with Raiz you can see how your portfolio has performed;
understand how changes in market affect the value of your investing; and also
learn about the power of regular savings and compounding. For more information on Raiz fees, click here.

Don’t have the Raiz App?
Download it for free in the App store or the Webapp below:

Important Information
The information on this website is general advice only. This means it does not take into account any person’s particular investment objectives, financial situation or investment needs. If you are an investor, you should consult your licensed adviser before acting on any information contained in this article to fully understand the benefits and risk associated with the product.
A Product Disclosure Statement for Raiz Invest and/or Raiz Invest Super are available on the Raiz Invest website and App. A person must read and consider the Product Disclosure Statement in deciding whether, or not, to acquire and continue to hold interests in the product. The risks of investing in this product are fully set out in the Product Disclosure Statement and include the risks that would ordinarily apply to investing.
The information may be based on assumptions or market conditions which change without notice. This could impact the accuracy of the information.
Under no circumstances is the information to be used by, or presented to, a person for the purposes of deciding about investing in Raiz Invest or Raiz Invest Super.
Past return performance of the Raiz products should not be relied on for making a decision to invest in a Raiz product and is not a good predictor of future performance.