The Portfolio Rebalancing Act - Raiz Invest

February 22, 2022

The Portfolio Rebalancing Act

February 22, 2022

Portfolio Rebalancing plays an important part in keeping Raiz portfolios diversified and matching their desired risk tolerance.

At Raiz, we automatically rebalance your portfolio for no additional cost! Here’s a guide on what is involved when rebalancing a portfolio, and why it’s such an important step.


Raiz Users pick a portfolio to invest in

All Raiz users choose a portfolio to invest in. Read here for a quick introduction on what a portfolio is. Some Raiz Portfolios have a higher risk than others, some lower. Click here to see where the seven standard Raiz portfolios sit on the risk scale.


ETFs and Bitcoin prices can move over time

Markets can go up and down, and so can the prices of ETFs. This means that over time, some ETFs can perform better or worse when compared to the other ETFs in a portfolio. This can have the effect of changing the percentage weighting of an ETF in your portfolio.


What effect can this price movement have on diversification?

Let’s take an example. You have a Custom Portfolio made up of just two ETFs. We’ll call them ETF A and ETF B. They each make up 50% of your diversified portfolio.

If ETF A has a big price rise, but ETF B does not move, ETF A now represents a larger proportion of the investment portfolio weighting than ETF B.


Raiz automatically rebalances portfolios to match your original risk tolerance

In order to restore the 50/50 balance of exposure between ETFs that you had when you first invested in the portfolio, we automatically rebalance the ETFs in your portfolio. We do this by selling ETF A and buying ETF B to return the balance to 50/50.

The same goes if ETF A has a big price fall. To restore the desired 50/50 balance between ETF A and B, we will need to buy ETF A and sell ETF B.

Diagram of the rebalancing process. ETF A and ETF B share an equal 50/50 split. The price of ETF A increases and now makes up a larger proportion of the portfolio. ETF A is sold and ETF B is bought to bring the weightings back to their original allocation.


Why do we rebalance?

Rebalancing keeps the asset allocation in sync with your risk tolerance. Given each portfolio at Raiz has a different weighting for certain ETFs compared to others, by rebalancing, we are able to restore the balance that you selected.


What would happen if we didn’t rebalance

As investments move over time, you could find yourself with a much higher weighting in some ETFs compared to others, which may not match what you initially signed up for. We rebalance to restore the balance you selected when you chose your portfolio.


You can change portfolio at any time for no additional fee

Remember, you can control when you change portfolio. You may find that you prefer a higher weighting in some ETFs versus others or want to change your risk tolerance. All you have to do is click change portfolio, and we will do the trades to change your portfolio the next business day. By us rebalancing, we ensure that your current portfolio closely matches the risk tolerance and portfolio mix that you have chosen.

To see if Raiz is suitable for you, please read the PDS.

To see Raiz fees, click here.



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You may be surprised to learn that RAIZ Invest Australia Limited (ABN 26 604 402 815) (Raiz), an authorised representative AFSL 434776 prepared this information.

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A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Raiz Invest and/or Raiz Invest Super is available on the Raiz Invest website and App. A person must read and consider the PDS before deciding whether, or not, to acquire and/or continue to hold interests in the financial product. We know and ASIC research shows that you probably won’t, but we want you to, and we encourage you to read the PDS so you know exactly what the product does, its risks and costs. If you don’t read the PDS, it’s a bit like flying blind. Probably not a good idea.

The risks and fees for investing are fully set out in the PDS and include the risks that would ordinarily apply to investing. You should note, as illustrated by the global financial crisis of 2008, that sometimes  not even professionals in the financial services sector understand the ordinary risks of investing – because by their nature many risks are unknown – but you still need to give it a go and try to understand the risks set out in the PDS.

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Any opinions or information expressed are subject to change without notice; that’s just the way we roll.

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