Investing now versus investing later?
Plan on investing some funds into the market in a diversified portfolio? While everyone has different amounts that they can afford to invest or want to invest, a question many people ask themselves in these market conditions: “Should I invest now, or later?”
Got a goal? Great! Let’s get you there
Got a goal for saving and investing? Great, that’s half the battle! Now all you need to focus on is getting there. To do so requires consistent effort. By setting a recurring investment, you can break your total amount required into smaller amounts. In the Raiz App, if you set a goal and a recurring investment, you can see how long it will take to reach your goal. The sooner you get started, the quicker you will be contributing towards your goal.
Compounding returns
World renowned Mathematician Albert Einstein allegedly said that “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.” Why was he so keen on compounding? With compounding returns, as you grow your investment portfolio over the long-term, the size of the investment that stands to gain (or lose) from future returns also increases.
Despite the fact that markets have had some downticks in 2022 with economic factors like war and inflation, equity markets over the long-term over many years have had positive returns. The longer you are in the market the greater the chance to take advantage of compounding returns. For every day you are not in the market, you are not able to possibly take advantage of compounding returns.
Want to stick to a budget that includes investing?
Do you plan on investing in the market, but also need to stick to your budget? By creating a budget and allocating a portion of your outgoings to savings and investing, you won’t be caught short at the end of the month. By investing at the start of the month, this effectively puts the money to work for longer, and gives you less “excuses” to not invest. But if you want to treat yourself every so often, we won’t blame you 😊
Investing philosophies
“The best time to invest was yesterday. The second-best time to invest is today.”
No one will ever be able to pick the high and low of the market, so by taking a long-term view, the longer you give yourself to be invested in the market, the longer you get to take advantage of compounding returns.
“It’s not about timing the market, it’s about time in the market.”
If you follow these philosophies, you will give yourself the chance to take advantage of compounding returns.
All investments carry risk.
To see if Raiz is suitable for you, please read the PDS.
To see Raiz fees, click here.
Don’t have the Raiz App?
Download it for free in the App store or the Webapp below:

Important Information
If you have read all or any part of our email, website, or communication then you need to know that this is factual information and general advice only. This means it does not consider any person’s particular financial objectives, financial situation, or financial needs. If you are an investor, you should consult a licensed adviser before acting on any information to fully understand the benefits and risk associated with the product. This is your call but that is what you should do.
You may be surprised to learn that RAIZ Invest Australia Limited (ABN 26 604 402 815) (Raiz), an authorised representative AFSL 434776 prepared this information.
We are not allowed, and have not prepared this information to offer financial product advice or a recommendation in relation to any investments or securities. If we did give you personal advice, which we did not, then the use of the Raiz App would be a lot more expensive than the current pricing – sorry but true. You therefore should not rely on this information to make investment decisions, because it was not about you for once, and unfortunately, we cannot advise you on who or what you can rely on – again sorry.
A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Raiz Invest and/or Raiz Invest Super is available on the Raiz Invest website and App. A person must read and consider the PDS before deciding whether, or not, to acquire and/or continue to hold interests in the financial product. We know and ASIC research shows that you probably won’t, but we want you to, and we encourage you to read the PDS so you know exactly what the product does, its risks and costs. If you don’t read the PDS, it’s a bit like flying blind. Probably not a good idea.
The risks and fees for investing are fully set out in the PDS and include the risks that would ordinarily apply to investing. You should note, as illustrated by the global financial crisis of 2008, that sometimes not even professionals in the financial services sector understand the ordinary risks of investing – because by their nature many risks are unknown – but you still need to give it a go and try to understand the risks set out in the PDS.
Any returns shown or implied are not forecasts and are not reliable guides or predictors of future performance. Those of you who cannot afford financial advice may be considering ignoring this statement, but please don’t, it is so true.
Under no circumstance is the information to be used by, or presented to, a person for the purposes of deciding about investing in Raiz Invest or Raiz Invest Super.
This information may be based on assumptions or market conditions which change without notice and have not been independently verified. Basically, this says nothing stays the same for long in financial markets (or even in life for that matter) and we are sorry. We try, but we can’t promise that the information is accurate, or stays accurate.
Any opinions or information expressed are subject to change without notice; that’s just the way we roll.
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Home loans are subject to approval from the lending institution and Raiz Home Ownership makes no warranties as to the success of an application until all relevant information has been provided.
Raiz Home Ownership Pty Ltd (ABN 14 645 876 937), an Australian Credit Representative number 528594 under Australian Credit Licence number 387025. Raiz Home Ownership Pty Ltd is 100% owned by Raiz Invest Australia Limited (ABN 26 604 402 815).