Behavioural finance: The psychology of investing - Raiz Invest

When we talk about investing, it’s easy to think it’s all about numbers, graphs, and picking the right stocks. But here’s the thing—your mind plays a huge role in how you invest. Behavioural finance is all about understanding the psychological aspects that influence our financial decisions, often leading to choices that aren’t always in our best interest. Let’s dive into some of the key psychological factors at play and how you can navigate them to make smarter, more confident investment decisions.


  1. Riding the emotional wave of market fluctuations

We’ve all been there—watching the market go up and down can feel like being on a rollercoaster. And just like on a rollercoaster, it’s normal to feel a bit of fear or excitement. But when it comes to investing, letting emotions like fear or greed take the wheel can lead to impulsive decisions, like selling everything when the market dips or throwing all your money into a ‘hot’ stock.

The key is to remember that market ups and downs are normal. Instead of reacting to short-term changes, focus on your long-term goals. Having a plan in place and sticking to it can help keep those emotions in check, so you don’t end up making decisions you’ll regret later.


  1. Watch out for cognitive biases

Our brains love shortcuts, but these shortcuts can sometimes lead us astray. Cognitive biases are little mental traps that can cloud our judgement. For example:

  • Overconfidence: It’s easy to think you’ve got the market all figured out, but even the best investors get it wrong sometimes.
  • Confirmation bias: We tend to seek out information that supports what we already believe and ignore anything that challenges it.
  • Herd mentality: Following the crowd might feel safe, but it can lead to buying high and selling low.

The good news? Being aware of these biases is half the battle. Take a step back, do your research from multiple sources, and consider all angles before making a decision. Diversifying your portfolio is another way to protect yourself from falling into these traps.


  1. The power of financial discipline

Sticking to a plan can be tough, especially when everyone else seems to be doing something different. But financial discipline is your best friend when it comes to investing. It’s about keeping your eyes on the prize and not getting sidetracked by short-term noise.

Set clear goals, automate your investments, and review your portfolio regularly. Raiz’s round-up feature is a great way to stay disciplined without even thinking about it—by investing your spare change, you’re building wealth bit by bit, almost on autopilot.


  1. Finding your comfort zone with risk

Everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to risk, and that’s okay. Your risk tolerance is about how much fluctuation you can handle without losing sleep at night. It’s tied to your personality, financial situation, and investment goals.

Knowing your risk tolerance can help you choose an investment strategy that suits you.


  1. Educating yourself on investing

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to investing. The more you understand about how markets work, different investment options, and the psychology behind financial decisions, the more empowered you’ll feel to make informed choices.

At Raiz, we’re big on education because we believe that everyone should have the tools and confidence to take control of their financial future. Our blog is packed with articles that cover a wide range of topics, from investment basics to market insights and tips on managing your money. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your knowledge, these resources are a great way to boost your understanding and make smarter investment decisions.


Investing is as much about managing your mind as it is about managing your money. By understanding the psychological aspects of investing and staying informed, you can make better, more confident decisions. Remember, Raiz is here to support you every step of the way, with tools, resources, and expert insights to help you on your investment journey.


Published 3/9/2024


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