Investing definitions and terms
New to investing or want to test your knowledge? Below are some helpful investing definitions on common words related to investing. It would be great if there were no risks associated with investing, but there are, and because of market movements and other risk the value of investments can go up and down. To learn more about risks you should read this blog – ‘Risks of Investing’
Short for ‘exchange traded fund’, is a security that trades like a stock on a stock exchange. It usually tracks an index of stocks, bonds or more alternative assets like commodities of infrastructure.

Dollar Cost Averaging
An investment principle of buying a fixed dollar amount into a particular investment on a disciplined regular basis. The investor purchases more shares (units) when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high.

S&P 500
The Standard & Poor’s index that tracks 500 of the biggest companies listed in the USA and is a favourite tool for analysts trying to understand how the US market as a whole is performing.

Net Worth
The value of your assets minus any debt you owe.

Generating earnings from previous earnings, when these returns are reinvested. Such as when the dividend you previously earned on your investment starts earning market returns as well.

Spreading your money among different investments to reduce the market risk.

Anything of value is an asset: cash, stock, a car, a house, even the money owed to you by someone else.

Money paid by a company back to their shareholder, out of its profits.

The rate at which the price of an asset changes – increases or decreases – over a given period of time. It is used as a measure of market risk.

A market’s ability to absorb a purchase or sell order for an asset without causing significant change in the asset’s price.

20-30-50 Rule
Allocate 20% of your monthly income towards goals, 50% for fixed expenses and 30% for flexible spending.

Basis Point
1 basis point is equal to 0.01% so 100 basis points is 1%.

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