How handstands can reduce financial stress - Raiz Invest

April 26, 2019

How handstands can reduce financial stress

April 26, 2019

Yoga can reduce financial stress

Financial stress is on the rise and has become an inescapable part of our modern society. So how do we tackle the burden of increasing costs and still find an emotional balance and savings for a secure future?

I have witnessed a direct correlation between practicing Yoga and its ability to reduce the fears, attachments and avoidance that shadow our relationship with money. Yoga invites us to move and breath in a conscious way.

Many may have been completely unaware of hamstring tension until they found themselves in a Downward Facing Dog. Our body and breath teach us to engage with things we find uncomfortable. With that awareness money can become a profound teacher.

Taking a look at your credit card or bank statements, or thinking about your upcoming bills can reveal insightful patterns of spending that may also be exacerbating your financial woes.

Facing an unexpected $400  bill can be difficult but if we are able to approach this area of tension as you would your tight hamstrings- breathe, observe, identify the issue and then support yourself accordingly you may find yourself a little less overwhelmed.

Yoga encourages us to view stress as a challenge to be overcome instead of a drama that can crush us.

So, the next time you find yourself in state of financial overwhelm take a mindful breath and give yourself an opportunity to engage in a healthy way to find balance.


Author: Jessie-Anne is a yin yoga/meditation teacher and writer based in Sydney, Australia. 



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