2023 Money-scopes - Raiz Invest

This content is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as financial advice or investment predictions (please don’t take it seriously!). It does not take into account your financial situation, objectives or needs.


Aries ♈︎

You might be up for some exxy purchases this year, potentially a wedding or something work-related. Unfortunately, (thanks to Jupiter) finances might be a tad inconsistent this year, plan ahead as much as possible. Aries have a habit of impulse buying followed by buyers’ remorse, however you’ll do pretty much anything to keep the cash coming in. Try to balance these two influences and you’ll have a successful year.


Taurus ♉︎

There’s good news and bad news for Taurus. The good news is the first half of your year will be all about fulfilling your money-related goals, the bad news is that this could dry up in the last quarter of the year. Taurus are great at maintaining their attention, it may be a good idea to focus that attention on a financial plan that will carry you through the tough times.


Gemini ♊︎

2023 is looking up for Gemini – particularly if you’re a student or just starting out on your personal finance journey. Approach your investments with caution and careful analysis and be wary of overspending should a promotion or financial windfall come your way.


Cancer ♋︎

Saturn may postpone any financial wins for the first three months of the year. If you’ve loaned any money to friends or family, you may find the money returns to you in other ways. If you start checking out some property in the second half of the year keep an eye out for unexpected costs involved.


Leo ♌︎

Keep your eye on your ideas and your work this year rather than getting bogged down in past mistakes. Take care of yourself and keep a positive mindset, your health could cost you a lot this year so be financially prepared for that.

Leos love spending money on their mates when it’s needed, careful you don’t end up spending too much on them. You will consider your finances and the long term throughout May, September, and October. Since your income should be consistent throughout the year, you could consider diversifying your assets.


Virgo ♍︎

You’ll get the most chances to grow your riches during January and March. Be patient as some of your investments may be slow to show a return. It’s possible you may have some pricey vehicle purchases or repairs this year, get some professional advice before making significant financial and investing decisions. The financial horoscope for 2023 predicts that you might consider making a real estate investment in the first half of the year.


Libra ♎︎

In 2023 expect your income to branch out to 3-5 different sources as you prepare to enter a very fortuitous phase financially. There is real potential to build your riches this year, however be careful of a probable chance of theft around the middle of the year. Don’t keep too much cash on you or in your home.

Overseas travel and financial stability for your family is on the cards.


Scorpio ♏︎

The movement of the planets predicts a successful beginning to the year for Scorpio finance in 2023. Scorpios are good shoppers due to their love of luxury, yet they occasionally waste their money if a reasonable offer is available. Beware of sale season and prepare a longer-term financial plan.

Things really start looking up for Scorpios in the middle of October.


Sagittarius ♐︎

Jupiter and Venus appear to have immaculate financial vibes for you at the start of the year. Sagittarius efforts will be recognised this year, which may encourage you to work harder. As a result, you might start to see a good trend emerge, and your outcomes could improve.

Be wary around February as some of your assets present issues. However as Sagittarius enjoys spending their money on events, excursions, and charitable endeavours, they develop positive money karma and often get their money back in doubles.


Capricorn ♑︎

Concentration could be an issue for you this year. Keep focussed on the positive and productive avenues in your life and Capricorns are in for a reasonably prosperous financial year in 2023.

You’ll likely hit your savings goals after April. Also, Capricorns may purchase jewellery and diamonds this year.


Aquarius ♒︎

Jupiter may provide you with fantastic income prospects at the start of this year. Seek the advice of a knowledgeable advisor before making any new investments. Making the right decisions may be aided by timely advice. Saturn could test your financial strength as the year goes on. You might experience tricky financial challenges around the middle of February.


Pisces ♓︎

Pisces will start the year strong! As the year goes on you might face some challenging circumstances so it’s best to plan ahead and be cautious while handling situations involving money or investments.

After February, your financial situation may steadily improve. Be careful of unanticipated expenses around March though Jupiter is going to carry you through the rest of the year with your living situation improving before Christmas.



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